Monday, October 17, 2011

Session at Micki's

I went over to Micki's this week to ride Jordan and have some pictures taken. Micki took some real nice pictures of Jordan in shoulder-in and half pass. I am really happy with his work.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Jordan goes home!

Jordan went back to Micki's last night. The plan is for him to stay there while she is taking a week of vacation. I was so proud that he loaded without any hesitation, even though it was after dark when the trailer pulled up. What a good boy.

We've had good progress in getting a softer mouth the past two weeks. He can half-pass on the bit in both directions now, and do some shoulder in at the trot on the bit. His left haunch is still weak and he can cross fire on the right lead, or fall on the inside shoulder. His overall impulsion is 1000% better than when he arrived, especially at the walk. What a good boy.

Monday, October 3, 2011

apple flavored flexions

Working on many fronts since my last posting. Rain has taken away the canter, and many days were barn only goofing off. Introduced the clicker and target training. Very fun and rewarding. Also used the clicker for Baucher/Fillis flexions in the snaffle and double bridle. Renewed focus on jaw mobility according to the French school.

The right shoulder in is really, really good in walk and trot. The left shoulder in is still squirrelly. Using the inside snaffle to soften and bend, which is really helpful. It's clear to me that jaw mobility is everything, and it is not useful to do lateral work with the horse leaning on the snaffle or the curb, period. Jordan is making great progress.

I have banished all nosebands from the barn, which has been helpful. Probably not all horses would allow this, but his mouth tends to the quiet and sometimes it seems the noseband (even when loose) makes it worse. So they are all gone.

Can't wait to get some pics and see our progress. I want to see how much expression there is in the shoulder in especially.